2021-2022 SEASON
Voices presents "Cathedral Classics"
SATURDAY | SEPTEMBER 18, 2021 | 7:30 P.M. | ST. JOSEPH CATHEDRAL (Buffalo, NY)
Voices Chamber Choir
Byrd: Mass for Five Voices
Rutter: Hymn to the Creator of Light
Panufnik: Kyrie after Byrd
Vaughan Williams: Valiant-for-Truth
Harris: Faire is the Heaven
McDowall: O Oriens
Tavener: A Hymn to the Mother of God
Bairstow: Jesu, the Very Thought of Thee
Stanford: Beati Quorum Via
MacMillan: In splendoribus
William Weinert, conductor
Voices Chamber Choir
Byrd: Mass for Five Voices
Rutter: Hymn to the Creator of Light
Panufnik: Kyrie after Byrd
Vaughan Williams: Valiant-for-Truth
Harris: Faire is the Heaven
McDowall: O Oriens
Tavener: A Hymn to the Mother of God
Bairstow: Jesu, the Very Thought of Thee
Stanford: Beati Quorum Via
MacMillan: In splendoribus
William Weinert, conductor
Voices presents "Cathedral Classics"
FRIDAY | OCTOBER 1, 2021 | 7:30 P.M. | ST. MARY CHURCH (15 St. Mary's Place, Rochester, NY)
Voices Chamber Choir
Byrd: Mass for Five Voices
Rutter: Hymn to the Creator of Light
Panufnik: Kyrie after Byrd
Vaughan Williams: Valiant-for-Truth
Harris: Faire is the Heaven
McDowall: O Oriens
Tavener: A Hymn to the Mother of God
Bairstow: Jesu, the Very Thought of Thee
Stanford: Beati Quorum Via
MacMillan: In splendoribus
William Weinert, conductor
Voices Chamber Choir
Byrd: Mass for Five Voices
Rutter: Hymn to the Creator of Light
Panufnik: Kyrie after Byrd
Vaughan Williams: Valiant-for-Truth
Harris: Faire is the Heaven
McDowall: O Oriens
Tavener: A Hymn to the Mother of God
Bairstow: Jesu, the Very Thought of Thee
Stanford: Beati Quorum Via
MacMillan: In splendoribus
William Weinert, conductor
Eastman Chorale & Bach Cantata Series
Argento: I Hate and I Love
Hanson: A Prayer of The Middle Ages
Hailstork: The God of Glory Thunders
Bach: BWV 63: Christen ätzet diesen Tag
William Weinert and Eric Meincke, conductors
Argento: I Hate and I Love
Hanson: A Prayer of The Middle Ages
Hailstork: The God of Glory Thunders
Bach: BWV 63: Christen ätzet diesen Tag
William Weinert and Eric Meincke, conductors
Repertory Singers & Treble Chorus
Penny: Eastman Our Home
Leonarda: Canon Coronato
Reichardt: Dem Herrn
Hanson: How Excellent Thy Name
Adler: Songs of the Seasons
Tindley, arr. Baker: The Storm is Passing Over
Philip Silvey and Christian Bigliani, conductors
Brahms: Der Gang zum Liebchen
Brahms: Sehnsucht
Brahms: Der Abend
Handel: The King Shall Rejoice, HWV 260
Handel: My Heart is Inditing, HWV 261
Mozart: Missa Brevis in F Major, K. 192
Eric Meincke, Mengru Zheng and Daniel Reid, conductors
Penny: Eastman Our Home
Leonarda: Canon Coronato
Reichardt: Dem Herrn
Hanson: How Excellent Thy Name
Adler: Songs of the Seasons
Tindley, arr. Baker: The Storm is Passing Over
Philip Silvey and Christian Bigliani, conductors
Brahms: Der Gang zum Liebchen
Brahms: Sehnsucht
Brahms: Der Abend
Handel: The King Shall Rejoice, HWV 260
Handel: My Heart is Inditing, HWV 261
Mozart: Missa Brevis in F Major, K. 192
Eric Meincke, Mengru Zheng and Daniel Reid, conductors
Bach Cantata Series
SUNDAY | NOVEMBER 14, 2021 | 3:00 P.M. | GLORY HOUSE INTERNATIONAL (111 N. Chestnut St.)
BWV 55: Ich armer Mensch, ich Sündenknecht
BWV 57: Selig ist der Mann
BWV 33: Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ
James Wolter, Grace Leung and Soong Hong Wong, conductors
BWV 55: Ich armer Mensch, ich Sündenknecht
BWV 57: Selig ist der Mann
BWV 33: Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ
James Wolter, Grace Leung and Soong Hong Wong, conductors
Eastman Chorale
Bach: Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225
Beach: Help Us, O God, op. 50
Beach: Excerpts from Canticle of the Sun, op. 123
Brahms: Schaffe in mir Gott, op. 29
Sweelinck: Psalm 150
William Weinert and James Wolter, conductors
Bach: Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225
Beach: Help Us, O God, op. 50
Beach: Excerpts from Canticle of the Sun, op. 123
Brahms: Schaffe in mir Gott, op. 29
Sweelinck: Psalm 150
William Weinert and James Wolter, conductors
Eastman-Rochester Chorus
FRIDAY | DECEMBER 3, 2021 | 7:30 P.M. | KODAK HALL
Brahms: Nänie
Schumann: Requiem für Mignon
Wagner: "Wach auf" chorale from Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, WWV 96
William Weinert, conductor
Beethoven: Mass in C Major
Anna Lenti, conductor
Brahms: Nänie
Schumann: Requiem für Mignon
Wagner: "Wach auf" chorale from Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, WWV 96
William Weinert, conductor
Beethoven: Mass in C Major
Anna Lenti, conductor
Repertory Singers & Treble Chorus
Cesis: Angelus ad pastores
Thomas: Butterfly
Pook: Snow Carol
Saindon: Le Train d'hiver
Perry: How Beautiful are the Feet
Philip Silvey and Christian Bigliani, conductors
Handel: Excerpts from Messiah
Mendelssohn: There Shall a Star from Jacob Come Forth
Mendelssohn: Verleih uns Frieden
Schutz: Verleih uns Frieden
Telemann: 117 Psalm: Laudate Jehovam
Grace Leung and Soong Hong Wong, conductors
Cesis: Angelus ad pastores
Thomas: Butterfly
Pook: Snow Carol
Saindon: Le Train d'hiver
Perry: How Beautiful are the Feet
Philip Silvey and Christian Bigliani, conductors
Handel: Excerpts from Messiah
Mendelssohn: There Shall a Star from Jacob Come Forth
Mendelssohn: Verleih uns Frieden
Schutz: Verleih uns Frieden
Telemann: 117 Psalm: Laudate Jehovam
Grace Leung and Soong Hong Wong, conductors